Monday, December 29, 2008

A Childhood Dream...

Year 1996: A middle class student from Indore, India heard about Internet.
Year 1998: He used Internet for first time.
Year 1999: He got to know about some 2k virus, this name really fascinated him and he created his email address including this '2k' word in his very first ID, and still he is using this email address.
Year 2000: His interest in this field made him learn more about this 'i' thing and he dreamed about website designing and having a website on his own name.
Year 2001-2007: Never got chance to learn about web designing and related stuff.
Year 2007-2008: Just started web-designing as part time hobby and still learning till date

His very first work (just for maintaining and managing for an year)-
... and now finally his very first website, which he is still working on to make it better with his own work (this time it is just Microsoft template)-
This non-professional guy has created a semi-professional website with most of the section devoted to his studies and research, but still 'My Space' section is worth giving a try!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Your work is simply amazing :) You have a long way to go, dear!!

anoop... said...

Thank you :)