When a child is born, he/she has only blood relations. The first part of the life is childhood, the life that we all miss and, most things we miss about it is free atmosphere around us and a total break free live without tensions and social obligations. But, as we grow up we make new relationships, friends, love, enemies etc., and suddenly one day we realize that we overload ourselves with all the relations and social boundaries.
For me, I like life with no boundaries, I am not a very social person, I hate kids, I don't like noise around, can't stand relatives most of time... Presence of people in my house usually bugs be if they are there for long time. I think, I was just opposite to it few years back, but may be its effect of last three years (in US) that I spent alone. Now, when I look back, I think what has happened to me is for a greater good. I am a wanderer by basic nature, staying at a place with the same group of people is not possible for me, it doesn't mean that I don't respect relationships, but life need seasonings time to time, otherwise life becomes boring and still.
These days, I am breaking the walls that I have created around me. It is a time when I move on and reach to new heights and do something that satisfies me rather than wondering and worrying about people who doesn't matter much to me. I care about very few who are close to me, and I used to care about others as well in a caring way... as unlike others comments and kiddish things never affected me. But, this time I think that I should challenge myself little more and get out of useless boundaries.
As I always say, comfort zone in one's life could be very productive at the same time very dangerous as well, from the past experiences, I learned that second case is more true in my life. So, why not break down the walls around and set self little break free to enjoy a brave new world...
(just some random thoughts)