Monday, July 26, 2010

First Week

First week of class is over! I have been waiting for this week to come so that I can test myself in the modern standards of teaching. I must say that I have got some of the brightest minds sitting in my class room. The week was over with a pinch of salt because of some technical issues, sometimes it feel like that we have became the true servants of technology. As far as class is concern, I am trying to keep their interest alive and trying to put the subject in more interesting and interactive way. I am not totally successful with that but ready to take this as challenge and try to do better and better everyday. Really there is a lot to learn from my students and I am a good student of my students ;)

Most interesting part of last week was when I have collected an informal feedback from my students. I am glad that they have participated actively and gave be great suggestions! And thankfully most of the suggestions were related to some of the non-technical part of the teaching... hand writing, audibility, pronunciation, and make class more interesting and interactive. Well, what can I say I am on it and ready to put on some good efforts! 



Pranali said...

I remember when we were asked to give feedback about our teachers!! I don't think I ever wrote it seriously.. But now I wish I did... Hey, which subject do you teach?

anoop... said...

I am lucky enough to get some really good students who took it seriously and gave me some very good suggestions :) anyway this was an informal one for self improvement
btw I am teaching Embedded Systems

Pranali said...

My Embedded System professor is a complete disaster!! She comes, shows us the presentations & then goes yep yep yep about the characteristics of sum xyz bus & then-lecture over!! Yieeepie...

Glad, I found you... Now I know someone who would surely clear my embedded doubts :)