Sunday, November 9, 2008

CAI over... what next?

So finally Diwali Night is over, it was the last event of the year for CAI and for me as president of the organization. It was a great year for us, I started with certain objectives to strengthen this organization. I think it was partially successful reign, I would rate it 6.5/10. I have a lot to share about this organization and I had some interesting experiences while working with this organization, but it would be better to share all those after the elections.

Now the question is what next? Its been a while since I have been wild as before, and did lot of things that was not in my basic nature (though did some wild things ;-)). I never wanted to be in any comfort zone, but working in CAI was making me within this zone, working with people you know, being within the community and interacting with same people. Now really looking for some 'true' adventure. I also must admit that studies have been affected up to a certain extent, so its time to get on the research work again.

1 comment:

Priyanka said...

Looking fwd to hear your experiences..